Versatile applications for
optimum comfort and durability


Vacuum glass is particularly suitable if you want to provide a home, office building, monumental building, school or hospital with (better) insulation. Due to the minimal thickness, it is (usually) not necessary to replace the window frames, but it is possible to achieve an insulation value that is higher than with Triple glass. Due to the high insulation value, it is also suitable for new construction.

  • Renovation
  • Office buildings
  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Healthcare
  • New construction

(Old) houses:

For homeowners who strive for energy efficiency and comfort, vacuum insulated glass is an ideal choice. It helps reduce energy bills by minimizing heat loss and ensures an even temperature distribution in the home, allowing residents to enjoy a pleasant living environment.

Commercial buildings

In commercial buildings, such as offices, shopping malls and hotels, energy efficiency plays a crucial role in cost control and sustainability. Vacuum insulated glass can help reduce operational costs by limiting the demand for heating and cooling, making it an attractive option for real estate developers and facility managers.

Industrial facilities:

For industrial applications where temperature control is essential, such as food processing, pharmaceutical manufacturing and cleanrooms, vacuum insulating glass provides a high level of thermal stability. It minimizes heat loss and helps maintain precise environmental conditions, which is essential for operational efficiency and product quality.

Architectural projects:

When designing modern architectural masterpieces, architects strive for innovative solutions that are both aesthetic and functional. Vacuum insulating glass offers the ability to create large glass facades with slim profiles and maximum thermal performance, making it a favorite choice for high-end residential buildings, cultural institutions, and commercial landmarks.

In short, vacuum insulating glass is suitable for a wide range of applications and offers benefits for homeowners, businesses, industrial facilities, and architectural projects. Its superior thermal insulation performance contributes to energy savings, comfort, and sustainability, making it a valuable investment for a variety of target groups.

Advantages GG-NedVac Vacuum Glass

Isolatiewaarde van glas wordt uitgedrukt in de u-waarde. Dit is de hoeveelheid warmte dat door het glas verloren gaat. De u-waarde geeft aan hoeveel warmte (Watt) er per vierkante meter en per graad temperatuurverschil tussen beide zijde wordt doorgelaten. Hoe lager de u-waarde, des te beter het glas isoleert. Anders gezegd: hoe lager de u-waarde des te minder warmteverlies van binnen naar buiten en dus beter voor het leef comfort en de energierekening. 

Aan vacuümglas kunnen eigenschappen worden toegevoegd waardoor bepaalde prestaties aanzienlijk worden verbeterd. Door akoestische poly vynil butyral’s (pvb’s) toe te voegen worden de geluidswerende eigenschappen verbeterd, door het toevoegen van meerdere pvb’s worden de inbraakwerende eigenschappen sterk verbeterd De combinaties zijn legio. Op basis van het (architecten)bestek of aan de hand van bepaalde wensen van de (eind)gebruiker kan de beste glascombinatie worden berekend.

Deze waarde geeft aan hoeveel warmtestraling het vacuümglas tegenhoudt. Hoe lager de g-waarde, hoe meer warmtestraling van de zon het glas tegenhoudt. Een g-waarde van 0.39 betekent dat het glas 39% van de straling doorlaat.